Embraced by the healing love of Jesus Christ and inspired by his teachings, we commit ourselves to prayerful, compassionate and courageous action in the world.

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The mission of the Social Justice Ministry is to deepen and promote the Christian values of peace, justice, community, and reverence for creation by identifying social and environmental issues, stimulating study, dialogue and prayer, and inviting action. Our activities are directed at three main areas of concern: promotion of peace, environmental stewardship, and decreasing the effects of social and economic injustice.
To maximize our impact, we coordinate our activities with other committees and ministries of the church, including Christian Education, Welcome and Outreach, and Missions.
We greatly appreciate the heartfelt support from our church community and welcome all who want to work with us on social justice issues. We host community suppers on the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30 PM to have an informal conversation about issues and action on social justice. Our regular Ministry meetings are the third Thursday monthly at 8:30 AM. For more information, contact charlotteucc@gmavt.net.
Below is a summary of our ongoing work:
Provide information and support to our members on issues of social justice, such as care of the Earth, gun violence prevention, reproductive rights, economic injustice, and systemic racism.
Coordinate with the actions of Vermont Interfaith Action, the United Church of Christ, - Vermont Conference, and other communities of faith.
Participate in the annual Burlington Pride Parade.
Host monthly suppers for discussion of issues of social justice
Priorities for 2024:
Informing our members of the social justice issues addressed by state and national polices makers.
Participate in the Burlington Pride Parade.
Host gatherings at our Peace Pole to pray and reflect on urgent social justice events.
Be a presence at the Vermont Conference UCC Annual Meeting